Panel sessions are intended to engage the engineering and/or computing education community in multiple perspectives on a given issue on the frontiers of education. These are ~80 minutes in length; the number of panel sessions offered is limited. These sessions intended to have a broader impact on engineering and/or computing education and be of value to FIE Conference attendees, enhance the experience and knowledge of the session participants, and help advance the frontiers of engineering and/or computing education.
Panel proposals (approximately 800 - 1000 words in total) must include each of the following elements:
- the names and institutions for each proposed panel member (members of the panel are the people who provide different perspectives on the issue being addressed by the panel and are critical to the quality of the panel session).
- the goal(s) of the panel session.
- a description of topics/subjects/content of the session and rationale for why these ideas are better served by a panel session (approximately 300-500 words).
- a description of the anticipated audience, and why this is of interest to the FIE community.
- a brief description of any proposed peer-reviewed full papers (if any) from panel members to accompany the Panel session in FIE 2016 (note these abstracts and papers will be submitted separately, but should indicate that they are associated with "Panel Name").
- All organizers and presenters on panels and in special sessions are expected to register for and attend the conference.
EXTENDED: February 12, 2016 -- Initial proposals are due. For Special Sessions and Panels, if full papers are to be submitted by presenters, those abstracts also are due Feb. 12, 2016 and the papers will follow the same timeline as other papers.
March 14, 2016 -- Authors will be notified of acceptance, acceptance with suggestions, or rejection of their proposal.
April 25, 2016 -- Responses to suggestions for modifications or clarifications are due. Preliminary papers to accompany Panels and Special Sessions, if any, are due. Papers and response attachments are limited to 4 pages.
July 8, 2016 -- Final session descriptions, outlines, summaries, and accompanying papers are due.